Here's an anime I was really into a few months back.
The show follows Lelouch
(pronounced leh-loosh), a cast off prince of the totalitarian nation of Britannia. It's been 10 years since Brittania took over Japan. During a battle between Britannian forces and a Japanese resistence group, he is given a power known as Geass
(pronounced gee-ahs). His geass has given him the ability to issue one command to anyone via eye contact and voice and make them follow it no matter what. With this ability and his incredible military battle tactics, he forms the Order of the Black Knights under the disguise ,Zero, to destroy Britannia, a nation that controls over a third of the world. If that wasn't hard enough, he has to fight the last prime minister of Japan's son and his best friend, Suzaku, who has joined the Britannian military to try and change it from within.
In order to get this, you must understand that this in an alternate history with the creator's touch. This made anime of the year with many magazine and media groups, showing it's popularity. It's a good series. My only problem is that, and I'm not the only one, it doesn't take the direction I wanted it to go. Near the end of the first season, Lelouch's sibling Euphemia finds a way to give the Japanese some land where they can call themselves Japanese again and be treated better. Lelouch eventually excepts it. However, when he begins to explain his Geass ability to her, he accidentally geasses her into ordering the military to kill all the Japanese. He is then forced to kill her in order to stop her. It wasn't exactly a good day for him. Especially when Euphemia and Suzaku were REALLY getting close. Then in the middle of the second season, Shirley, Lelouch's classmate who has a crush on him and was this close to becoming his girlfriend, is killed by one of his close subordinates that he was just using. After this, he crosses the moral event horizon. For the rest of the series, we shown one of the truths of war.
Rarely is there a good side. If there is, it is really small. There is just a bad side, a just as bad side, and an even worse side.
Code Geass wiki